Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Either it's Cindy or the Spider...

If I were rich, I’d be deemed eccentric…but I’m not… rich I mean, so that just makes me nuts, crazy, weird. Endearing terms my family and friends have lovingly labelled me as being. In truth, they’re right I suppose in certain areas of my life. An example being today, just minutes ago. But, before I explain, let me go back one week.
My very dear friend had cancer and reconstructive surgery done to her face only months ago. To her it feels a lifetime ago and she forgets the recovery time is a long process. Her family members and friends forget also. From over attentiveness and alarming outbursts of fear, when in fact what she needed was loved assurance and support, comforting her.
I know the alarming feeling, as I myself sat in her place when I had a bad fall and broke my neck. Two vertebrae’s were pinching my spinal cord and ruptured and tore both the discs. Major surgery was necessary and I was advised of the risks involved. The pain was so intense that no amount of pain medication could stop it until my natural body endorphins kicked in. But, I’m here and I survived, maybe a little battle scarred, as due to the trauma of it all, led to other disabilities and diseases that try to disrupt my life. I say try, as I no longer allow them to own me. I’m in control of them and brush them off as if they don’t exist.
With this knowledge, I’m able to help Cindy though her ordeal with love, understanding and support. That’s why I kept asking her to come stay with me and get a much-needed break from her chaotic life. I was so happy to finally hear her tell me she was coming.
We spent a wonderfully relaxing week here together. When she would receive a phone call and get upset, I’d remind her to stay calm and taught her the difference of sympathy and empathy. I too have been dubbed with chronic anxiety by the doctors, but found that with the right frame of mind and releasing it to faith, I’m extremely laid back…most of the time. LOL And even then, I pick myself up, wipe myself off, slap my wrists gently and go on with what needs to be dealt with. Now don’t get me wrong! I’m a sucker for excitement and a daredevil to boot. So that makes me an excited, laid back, daredevil? I don’t know, but what I do know is I enjoy life as it comes and when a challenge or opportunity comes my way, I go for it. But, for Cindy, she needed to learn calmness and laughter as her best medicine. I loved watching her enjoy herself and so relaxed. I explained that although released from the hospital, the body and mind needed to recover and that she wasn’t in control of the demises of others, but she could be in command of her own emotions and how she viewed a situation. She’s back home now and I must give her a phone call tonight, to see how she’s doing.
Well, this has little bearing to why I first started this post. But then again, I have a cognitive thinking problem and if I confuse you, think how confused I make myself! LOL
AWWWW YES! I remember now! There was a spider crawling near the ceiling of my bedroom. I didn’t want to kill it. Only, get rid of it. I gently swooped it up with the broom and without thinking; I opened the patio doors and shook it outside. Then it occurred to me, I wasn’t saving his life! I live in Ontario, Canada. We have snow! Matter of fact, it’s still snowing. Spiders and cold do not mix. I pictured this poor distraught spider slowing dying a horrible death, rather than a quick smack that he wouldn’t have know what hit him. I needed to act fast as I rushed outside to the patio with my slippers on. Because my eyesight is becoming quite worse, I couldn’t see him…or her. So just to make sure I got him to put him to death quickly, I stomped around every bit of my patio until there was no snow untrammelled. I hope I killed him, as he would be dead by now anyway.
What’s the moral of this story? I think it was to explain how calm I am in most circumstances, yet freak at the thought of killing a spider. This will teach me not to post on fibrofog days.
Have a great day! ö

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