Saturday, June 18, 2005

What DO They Keep in their Purse?

Shasta's Purse Posted by Hello
Shasta is continually in my purse when I leave the house and that is one personal item, which I like to think of my own person property. So since she seemed so interested it, I thought it high time to buy her one of her own.
Now, what would you assume a 2 ½ year old staffie would keep in her purse?
Are you the least bit curious? Well, let's take a peek, with Shasta's permission of course.

purse contents Posted by Hello
Hmmm…I see she has her favourite doggy cologne scent, Puppy. I love when she wears it. It has a wonderful scent and it helps condition her coat as well. She has some of her grooming items in here, such as a comb that she chewed on when she was much younger, and her handy dandy nail file for those emergency touch ups that you never know when you’ll need. Let’s look in side her wallet… she has her cookie snacks. Smart girl! You never know when you might need that little burst of indulgence. Sunglasses. Very smart! And look here, her very first sleeping plush toy. I believe it was suppose to be a funny looking ladybug. She still likes to keep it handy for when she’s sleeping. Well, isn’t she quite the little lady!
She’s the same way with the company she keeps too. She loves gentle mannered, happy and friendly dogs with a fun personality. Now, are any of you people reading this that have been afraid of Pit bulls feeling a little ridicules? After all, it’s not the dog that is mean, unless an owner trains it to be. But we don’t associate with any of them, do we Shasta! We would turn them in to the authorities the same way anyone else should and get those people off our streets. Shasta agrees. What's that you say Shasta? Oh you are soooo right! Shasta was just saying that nobody should judge on race, colour, creed or breed. Now I agree!


Chyrene Pendleton said...

This is a very cute post! An interesting blog too!

Guitartists said...

Too cute! LOL I'll bet she loves her own purse!!!! :D

Conners said...

Are you saying Bridget does NOT have her own purse? For Shame Lady! If you want her to feel good about herself, let her indulge. *giggle*
Now if I can teach her to carry it with her mouth rather than her neck, we're all set. If she asks for a credit card, I'm putting my foot down!

Guitartists said...

LMAO Well, she got a Betty Boop bandana of mine today for her to wear, and we painted her nails ;) She has a backpack instead of a purse...LOL I'm afraid having a purse might really go to her head..she'll want expensive shoes then to match! LOL

Conners said...

I've search EVERYWHERE for those darn running shoes I saw in the winter for Shasta. They said it was a winter item. DUH! I bought her winter boots for winter, she needs the running shoes for when we go biking and the pavement gets really hot, and glass, stones, etc. Obviously, the pets stores don't know much about OUR dogs! LOL
So you are telling me that an American dog is running around making a fashion statement of her own, while a Canadian dog thinks she's Ms. Hotshot! The only dangerous thing about them is they keep us broke with their shopping demands. You have GOT to send a pic!!!! ROL
Know what? I think Shasta should have a backpack too. She's got her water bottle that I keep clipped to my backpack, but why should I have to carry her bottle if she can carry her own? Good thinking g/f! I'm gonna be a copycat and get Shasta one too.
Oh...Shasta got a couple of cute visors last year, but she's enjoying the sunglasses much better and when we come in the house, she removes them herself. She uses both paws and pulls the band from behind her ears. They're still around her neck, so I remove them the rest of the way. If only she could learn to make my teas in the morning. You think???? LOL

Guitartists said...

LOL.... I know! After Bridget learned to work the front door latch, I only wished I could teach her to shut the door! LOL

I will get a pic soon ;) Gotta dust off my camera ;) LOL

Conners said...

GREAT! Then I will post her pic on here...IF you don't mind. Can't wait!