Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Nothing could go WRONG today!

This was my horoscope for today. Not that I look at them very often...and so many time's they are sooo wrong...but today, it couldn't have been any closer. LOL

September 22 - October 22Your adventurous spirit longs to go out and see the world, dear Libra. You are feeling braver than usual, and the independent, wild side of you is not scared to venture out. Under normal circumstances, you may not want to stray far from your home without the company of another, but on a day like this, you only need yourself and a good pair of walking shoes. Feel free to be a bit selfish about what you want to do and how you want to do it. The number one priority for you is to have a good time. Let others tag along if they want.

Today I went out and got so many signatures for the Breed Ban Amendment. Walking shoes were right, because I was walking EVERYWHERE! Not one person turned me down and if someone over heard me talking to a couple of people, they said they were interested in signing too. Naturally, that made for a VERY good day for me...and very incouraging!

Even in the stores shopping I never missed an opportunity to stop people and get their John Henry on the petition. Felt SOOOO FANTASTIC! Let's hope tomorrow will go just as well...or better!

I plan on asking a couple of the pet stores around the area if they would allow me to leave some petitions there. Any opportunity must be taken. The most they can say is, 'No.', but they signed my other petition against the BSL ban, so I think my chances are good. If everyone else is having the same response as me, we should have this one in the bag. WAAHOO!

My vision is much broader than winning in Ontario. Since other places are watching Ontario to see how the ban goes prior to adopting Bryant's bill as their own, this could change everything. Perhaps we could go Country wide. From there, other countries could follow. It's a great amendment and would get the responsibility on owners of ALL breeds without targeting any breed. That would eliminate the back yard breeders, the illegal dog fights, the puppy mills, etc. And the criminals couldn't just go off onto another breed as now they would be in the same trouble.

Now, THIS is how you clean up the streets and make it safer as far as the dog attacks. What will come next? I was thinking we need to take care of the innocent that can't fight for themselves...children, elderly, so much can be done and like the dogs, they need people like us to get on the podium and give them our best.

It's late and I'm exausted...but a 'good' exausted, so I bid you all good night.

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