Tuesday, June 21, 2005


It’s much easier to blame the dogs than people, as you will see in each of these cases.
The first case in Ottawa shows the irresponsibility of both the owner of the cat and the owner of the dog. When you live in an apartment building or house, those units are only private properties within the confines of your own dwelling. Neither the dog, nor the cat should have been allowed in the hallways or the stairwells without supervision of the owners. One other thing I would like to comment on is the headlines. Headlines announce the attack was made by a pit bull. When you read the article, all through it you will read pit bull mix. Mixed with what, it does not say. The woman is the only person to make reference as pit bull.
I’m glad they are going to look further into this story, but in my option, both owners were negligent. Please read the
full story to view all the details.

In the second story in Toronto, it does state that the dog was a pit bull and shepherd mix. I reread this article several times as I didn’t understand why the dog was trained as a guard dog and although my assumption may be wrong, I'm wondering if the owner had rescued and taken in this dog because of taking the precaution of people entering her premises without knocking first.
Although it doesn’t state this, her actions tends toward her being responsible and quite aware that she must take precautions with her dog.
The boy entering the premises was an intruder and even the police state that the dog was protecting his own territory. It’s unfortunate about these attacks happening, but in both instances, they could have been prevented if only the people involved had abided by the rules. For the full story to the 2nd attack, please
go here.


Guitartists said...

OMG! I can't believe they would post that woman's comments!!! PLENTY of dogs attack cats and small animals and NEVER hurt children!!! It's called "Small prey drive" .... their inclusion of her statement gives the impression that they support it :(

And yes, both were at fault. What the hell was either animal doing unattended outside of it's residence INSIDE a building??? I could NEVER imagine letting any of my pets roam like that. Not just because of liability, but they can get lost or hurt :( Stupid owners :P

And that second article... SHAME on them!!! >:( They NEVER posted any opinion except that of Pit Bulls being aggressive :( ::sigh:: There should be rules against that crap. Aren't they supposed to be non-biased???? Ggggrrrrrrr

I hate to say it, but if a strange man walked into my house without so much as knocking, I guess I'd expect him to get bit REGARDLESS of what breed my dog is! I'm sure the dog felt that the woman was at risk. Have you ever seen German Shepards on Cops??? The ones trained???? They might stop when they pull them off, but they don't WANT to! I would imagine his aggressiveness was due to the training, NOT the breed.

Conners said...

The comment the police officer made was that the dog was in his own territory and defending it. I took that as a good sign, as I'm sure if he told the reporters that, he must have also written it in his report.
The problem with the media is they tell a story, but it's almost impossible to keep up with the story as then it is old news. They leave us in the dark after that.
But, I suppose updates don't sell papers and that's what it's all about. $$$$$!
Wouldn't it be nice for a change to see a front page story of all the HERO dogs?! But that's just wishful thinking and what IF the public learnt the truth about Pit bulls. Michael Bryant would look like a fool!
I'm so tempted to phone the London Free Press and ask if they would do a 'Positive side of Pit bulls.' I could try and the most they could say is No thank you... meaning, that doesn't sell papers. Plus if they did, it would be some tiny little piece that you probably couldn't find without a magnifying glass.
I'll let you know what they say.

Guitartists said...

Well, a lady from the states did a petition to have Fox News here in the US do a truth based spotlight on pit bulls. You might set up a petition and if they knew so many supported it and would read it.... they might very well ;)

Conners said...

Have you got a way I can contact her? If so, send me a private email message and I'll see if I can be on any service. After all, this IS for the dogs EVERYWHERE!!!