Thursday, May 18, 2006

Bite's worse than it's bark

It's articles like this one in the Toronto Sun that give our bullies their bad reputaions. Naturally, people that have never been around knowingly to a 'Pit bull' would be scared sh*tless of them reading this kind of propaganda.

Where DO they find their reporters? In the dumpsters?

Not only is he not an expert on dog behavior, I'd say he's also a poor journalist putting out trash like this.

Thu, May 18, 2006
Bite's worse than its bark
Regardless of who's to blame, pit bulls can be dangerous dogs

When I went on the inaugural SUN TV show CANOE Live on Monday, I wound up being criticized by some for inadvertently suggesting that so-called pit bulls were "stupid."

The nice lady from the Humane Society objected that her pit bull wasn't stupid, but friendly, loving and well behaved.

I backed down a little, and said that compared with Jack Russell terriers, which I've lived with for years, pit bulls were kind of dumb. Even that was unnecessarily rude to the dog. Had I thought, I'd have said "mentally challenged" rather than stupid.

The "debate," such as it was, concerned the court case whereby lawyer Clayton Ruby is challenging the province's ban on pit bull dogs on behalf of Catherine Cochrane who adopted a 2-year-old Staffordshire cross from the Toronto Humane Society. (The THS refuses to euthanize healthy dogs that are slated to be put down).

Although Ruby is correct that defining exactly what constitutes a "pit bull" is difficult, it also seems undeniable that certain types of dogs are dangerous and need to be curbed.

Winnipeg has banned pit bulls for about 15 years; Kitchener for eight years. Despite Ruby's claim that only 4% of all dog bites are done by pit bull types, too often it's this 4% that result in deaths, or the neighbour's kid having his face chewed off.

Clearly, something has to be done, even though banning, or "putting down" pit bulls is a grotesque injustice to these dogs, which have been specially bred for the characteristics that critics now want eliminated.

Pit bulls are bred for extreme courage and loyalty.

They are afraid of nothing, and their "loyalty" is to be defensive over territory or against anything they see as a threat -- even when there's no threat. To me, that qualifies as somewhat stupid.

It also makes them formidable, and sought after for illegal dog fights, which occur in rural areas and attract big betting money.

Frankly, I think something is basically wrong with people who own these types of dogs. Especially in a city, or in an apartment. Sometimes, one is tempted to say that owners, rather than their dogs, deserve to be "put down."


While pit bulls are the canine targets of the moment, it used to be German shepherds that were considered unstable and dangerous -- until recent breeding made them more gentle and tolerant.

For years, Dobermann pinschers were considered lethal, then Rottweilers, and now pit bulls. Reality is that any big dog can be dangerous, but what distinguishes the pit bulls are large, powerful jaws that can do real damage, and a refusal to quit if riled.

So who is likely to own these dogs that Attorney General Michael Bryant has called a "menace," "dangerous" and "a loaded weapon waiting to go off"?

Drug dealers seem to like them for protection, as do people who live in risky areas. Others like the idea of a "pet" that intimidates others.

It's not the fault of pit bulls that they are what they are. They are guard dogs, weapons, not house pets like Tricky-woo, Spot or Lassie.

Clayton Ruby's argument in court that "bad dogs are made by bad people," is true only up to a point.


Characteristics can be bred into a dog that make it react in certain ways. Even a "lovable, friendly, wouldn't-hurt-a-fly" pit bull has the potential for inflicting serious harm that even its owner can't control.

Kids with chewed faces prove it.

So common sense dictates controls -- which is muzzling and prohibitive fines if the dog goes nuts -- and reducing their presence in crowded cities.


Anonymous said...

"bad dogs are made by bad people," is true only up to a point.
how is that only true to a point thats 100% true no buts if ands about it
any dog can bite and will bite if it feels threatened so stop talking all this bullshit

Conners said...

Nobody is disclaiming that all dogs can bite. That is a fact! Responsible owners are (or should be) aware of that and as the owner should at all times watch out that a situation doesn't happen that would put their dogs into such situation. This involves education for the dog owner and all involved.
Even non-dog owners should learn of bite prevention and teach their children.
Education is KEY and that is what I am trying to get across to the public. Matter of fact, I am working on a new page on my web site towards Dog prevention more towards parents and children.
Another way of avoiding these problems are understanding your dog through the wold pack theory and being Alpha to your dog. Your dog needs to feel confident it has a good pack leader and as such your dog will look to you rather then trying to defend itself in a situation that could have been prevented.
If you think I speak *shit*, I appreciate your view, but it would be more helpul for you to express that view in a more constructive way than simply blasting a post I make. Why not explain in detail and add positive knowledge to help those reading my blog.
I'm not an expert and never claimed to be. My defence is I'm totally against the BSL and stating that banning a specific breed is not going to illiminate dog attacks. There is no denying that many people who claim to be responsible aren't.
As a dog owner, I truly believe you should get all the facts possible about the breed of dog you are getting as one breed may not require the same as another.
As a mother of two (kids, not dogs) I thought it my responsibility to learn as much as I could about child rearing. Even when I had one child and pregnant for the other, I continually read again. I believe there is always more that you can learn.
I believe the same holds true with pets you are thinking of getting and with that comes responsibility.