Saturday, May 06, 2006


Please sign the Petition for Shire and CROSS POST TO THE WORLD!

The DLCC (Dog Legislation of Canada) is heavily involved with this case.Shire is a 5 yr old rottweiler that has been trained to work with her mom Jane deWeerd in her work as a board certified child psychologist.
In their years together, Shire has never done ANYTHING untoward to man or animal. She is a true ambassador for the breed. Her owners are truly responsible dog owners.

In April of this year,the family moved from Ontario to the sleepy town of Florenceville New Brunswick Canada.

BEFORE they moved there, they had their real estate lawyer check the by laws regarding BSL.

The estate agent was told by the town clerk, NO there were none.

When viewing homes,John deWeerd dropped into town hall and again asked about BSL. He was told no all dogs were welcome and was issued a license for his ROTWEILLER ( NOTE SPELLING).

Three days into their new home ACO came knocking demanding the dog be removed from town or otherwise she would be euthanized.

This family is moving however their deep and abiding love of Shire and her breed has made not making a stand impossible.They are going to fight this and fight this in court.

The DLCC team will be there hand in hand working behind the scenes to ensure this family will no longer be alone in their fight to save their dog.

Please sign the below petition.

For any of you who may have not heard of our current dilemma with Shire and the village of Florenceville, there are some details in the link.

There are also copies of Jane's CBC Radio and Woodstock Bugle-Observer
articles at All support for this petition is
appreciated. Please forward this to anyone you know.

To sign the petition go to

John, Jane, Lily & Shire


IndyPindy said...

We signed!

Conners said...

I can always count on you and your family Indy. Thank you! I am posting vital one's in my side column. We're doing great with Knuckles so far. Keep your paws crossed!!!!