Friday, June 09, 2006

More peta stupidity

Watch this,it explaines itself


bulldaisymom said...

ohhhhh gawdddddd!!!!! this is so lame.

Conners said...

Yuppers! It IS! But so is PETA!

bulldaisymom said...

lmao true so true...i guess it was good for a snicker at how stupid it was

Animal welfare advocate said...

Ha, ha! It was, indeed, stupid and funny! :-). PETA takes it to extremes and "SCARE TACTICS" is their revolutionary cry. The production did scare one of 'em.:-)


I'm on an uncover assignment this month. If things will turn out well, another dog-trader's business will be shut down. Pray!
Kisses to your pets!



Conners said...

You be careful Greg! And don't worry you have prayers coming boundlessly! For you, the dogs and the dog trading business to be shut down.
Kisses to all the dogs you save and rescue and even to those beyond help.
Keep us updated on how it's going.
If possible, email me. I don't have your addy or I'd email you.

Conners said...

To think that some people STILL believe that PETA is helping animals. This mock on PETA looks good on them. LOL

bulldaisymom said...

Some people are so gulible that they would believe anything.

GREG: be careful out there and WTG for all you do.

Conners said...

Actually, I got a message on my web site asking why I was so against PETA. Many people still believe what PETA is telling them.
If they have no reason to disbelieve them, then they have no reason to seek the truth. So many stars speak up for PETA and to many, that's the authorization that must be a great organization if so many stars endorse them.