I'm not ready to back down...
Emily as you may have figured out in in the upper ranks of the Advocates For The Underdogs ( AFTU) and works endlessly vulunteering all her time and efforts for the dogs.
All the Banned Aid Coalitions groups volunteered their time and services with Fund Raisers, selling merchandise, and much, MUCH more!
Not only the groups but indiviuals from Canada, the U.S.A and other parts of the country not only supported us with well wishes, but with donations toward the Legal Fund.
I asked her if I could add her letter with such heartbreaking, honest feelings as it's how we who have spent 3 years fighting our butts off with the hopes that this previous Ontario election on October 10th would change things.
All the other Parties with the exception of the Liberal goverment assured us they would change the law in a way that does not go after any certain breeds, but owners comitting the crimes.
They too disagree the banning specific breeds was the answer of preventing dog bites and were also concerned to make changes to the Animal Cruilty Law.
We lost the election with a majority vote to the Liberals.
Now, our only hope of setting our dogs free to be like other dogs rather than victims for a crime they haven't committed is through the courts and we need you to help us in this fight.
We need YOU! The dogs need YOU!
I'm not ready to back down . . .
Thursday, Oct 11
And so it looks like 4 more years of a Liberal Government in dog-forsaken Onscario :(
As much as I want to write professionally and poised, I also want to write simply as Emily, the mom of one of the most amazing dogs I have ever met, who yes, happens to be a Pitbull mix - banned in Ontario. I want to share my thoughts on "where do we go from here" because heaven knows as a "rescuer" of this incredibly misunderstood breed last night had me just wanting to run away (with the dogs of course) to a more enlightened province.
So now what?
Well, its been about 3 long years . . . 2 with the ban, and the one leading up to it.
Its been hundreds of dogs saved, hundreds lost, tens of thousands of dollars spent, miles driven . . . . why? For the love of a dog.
For me, it's my dog, Daphne. Sure I can say "and of course the love of every rescued dog and puppy I meet", that is also true.
But honestly. In the darker moments, the quiet moments, the times when I don't think I can keep doing this . . .can't argue with one more ignorant person that she doesn't have "lock-jaw" and won't eat their children . . .can't walk into a shelter and say I'm sorry, its a lovely creature but we have nobody willing to give it a chance . . . can't give up a weekend to drive countless hours to provide freedom and safety to a dog who was just born in the wrong place at the wrong time . . .when I think I can't . . .she's ALWAYS there.
With kisses, with a tail wag, no words, she doesn't need them.
Were it not for Pit bull rescuers, were it not for AFTU, were it not for Tammy Williams, my friend and fellow rescuer, Daphne never would have made it out of a shelter alive.
So I have to think, if not her, them, us, then who . . .there would have been no Daphne in my life.
Our dogs.
Our AMAZING, ADORING, LOYAL, GOOD dogs that have hearts full of forgiveness for being muzzled, being ostracized, that have hearts braver than I could ever hope to be . . . They aren't about to give up on us anytime soon - we owe them the same in return.
As they are our companions, we are their guardians.
So honestly, to everyone who may read this and share my passion for attempting to restore the reputation for the breed(s) of dogs once known as the most decorated war heros, famous t.v star, and service dogs extraordinaire . . . .for the preservation of what little rights and freedoms this ass-backwards government still allows us . . . I can't do it alone.
And I won't.
I need you, ALL OF YOU.
So have a good cry, hug those dogs, grab a helmet, combat boots, whatever (not literally) and continue to persevere with the tenacity of Pit bull.I'm not backing down anytime soon.
The second appeal has been filed and I promised MY dog that at some point in her lifetime she would walk proudly down the street with me muzzle-free . . .and I'm not about to break that promise!
Well, this certinaly brought more than one tear to my eye Emily. I was so very saddened with the election results and wonder how it is that people just don't get it. The loss of basic fundmental rights, the stupidly of fearing man's best friend and most of all, one of the most loyal of all dogs, Pits. The fact that they KNEW what they were doing was wrong but for the sake of ignorance and votes, went for it anyway. Who cares about a few thousand dogs as long as it was thought to be a popular vote getter. We're not going to quit Em and I am begging you not to. Discourged with the ignorance YES, fed up with the lies, YES, but give up on them that would die gladly for US, NEVER. We are many but scattered. We need to become ONE FORCE. We need to get organized and communicate better between ALL OF US. It is a matter of time before more dogs are added to the list. WE KNOW it is NOT the Dogs but the owner's. I believe most do, we just have to get our message across and it needs to probably be tougher than what it has been. Ontario's Holicost is Ontario's Shame.
My feeling exactly and Em isn't about to quit. She has so much support ready with battle gear on to fight, that this is by no means over!
I'll send your comment to Em just to show her she has even more support than she would ever believe!!!
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