Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Ruby's Escape and Capture...

Life in a bowl...What must it feel like? Every day is the same as the next. Knowing every inch of your transparent surroundings and the joy of watching a giant, recognized face shaking a small container, knowing that your food is about to come.
Once a week, you are scooped out and placed into another temporary bowl while your home is being cleaned out and fresh water poured in. Then, the dreaded wait. Waiting what seems like an eternity for the water temperature to drop down to a safe level.
It's winter and the pipes are cold, so the water flowing out of the tap is frigid. The wait is long and the temporary housing is not a friendly environment with the dark tint glass.
Does a fish get overwhelmed, just like a person would?
Ruby is a fire red Beta and today I found, what looked like blackish blob, lying on my kitchen floor. My first reaction was of concern that one of my cats must have thrown something up. BrandyCat, the eldest is 21 years old and looking rather frail in his golden years. It looked nothing like a hairball, but more like liver. Gently with a paper towel I went to carefully inspect it and it jumped and moved. Oh, my gosh, I gasped and quickly but gently gathered it up and put him in the temporary bowl wondering how long the poor thing had been laying limply on the floor. Also, very thankful that the cats hadn't spied him, nor the dog, and that I hadn't stepped on him on my rush into the kitchen.
It didn't take very long for him to gain full recovery with the exception of the wide extension of his tail. It now has a downward dip towards the last quarter of it. He ate a full meal that shows his appetite hasn't diminished, so he's not too traumatically stressed.
Best of all, I certainly hope he's learnt his lesson that fish don't do well to escape the safety of the bowl. I wonder, does he realize just how lucky he is?
I know that from now on, I'm using a deeper basin the next time he needs his quarters cleaned.

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